Usage Policy
Usage fees and access rules for Albanova Nanolab
Effective July. 1 , 2017 (3rd quarter)
The Albanova Nanolab needs to collect about 2.7 MSek in user fees in 2017 in order to make our budget, where our total costs are about 5.5 M SEK. In other words, we need to collect about 50% of our operation costs from the users of the lab.
The Nanolab offers two tracks for usage:
Track 1: Myfab Rate
This track is designed for users who do not use the lab very regularly, and need only special access to certain equipment. These users pay by the hour for technical support and for machine time. The rate for each piece of equipment is found on the LIMs system, but a quick overview of some of our equipment is:
- Technician support 800 SEK per hour
- E-beam lithography 2200 SEK per hour
- SEM- FIB 1100 SEK per hour
- AFM 550 SEK per hour
These rates will be charged via the same LIMS system used in Kista.
Track 2: Flat Rate
This track is designed for users who will use the lab more frequently and make a commitment to support the lab over a longer period of time. Many of these users help with maintaining and developing the equipment. To use the flat rate, you need to commit to at least one year, but typically the commitment is for the life of a project (e.g. 4 years for PhD student, 2 years for a Postdoc). Shorter commitments will be considered (e.g. 2 quarters for a Exjobb) only if the group has other paying users, who will effectively train the new, short-term user.
Flat Rate users pay one fee for full access to all equipment in the lab, for which the user has a license to operate; they do not pay for support from the technical staff. The flat rate is billed quarterly. The user (student, post doc) cannot switch in and out of the system. They must pay the flat rate even if they did not happen to use the lab that quarter. The user is removed from the system when their project ends, or they leave KTH.
- Flat Rate for all Academic Users 55000 SEK per year
This rate is booked in LIMS as project = 'Albanova-C'
Usage Rules - Overview
As part of Myfab, all our equipment is listed on the LIMS system. Booking and logging of usage must be done via LIMS. It is important to not only book, but also log all usage in LIMs. Users must be registered in LIMS. Other usage rules are as previously:
- All users must be registered in LIMS and must take the safety lecture and read and signed the safety rules.
- Unsupervised usage of the lab by non-registered users is strictly forbidden. If a non-registered user enters the lab for a quick visit or one-time simple usage (e.g. Collaborator or Exjobbare who wants to use a microscope once or watch some process, or lab tours and demonstrations for courses) this can only occur with the full time supervision of a registered and paying user. We ask that nanolab technical staff is informed of all non-registered usage.
- Visitors, undergraduate project workers (KEX jobbare), and masters project students (EX Jobbare) who use the lab, must pay the lab fee. Such short-term users are allowed to use track 2, with a minimum payment of one quarter user fee.
- All users must have a license to be able to book a machine and use it on their own. Licenses are given by the nanolab technical staff.
- Training of a new user can be carried out via a licensed and experienced user, if the Nanolab staff is OK with this arrangement. We ask that the nanolab technical staff is informed of all training of new users via this method.
- Usage of certain special systems like deposition systems and etchers must be cleared by the principle user of that system, who approves compatibility of usage. Contact the nanolab technical staff regarding this type of usage.
- Some systems have special booking rules that are programmed in to LIMs, in order to make them more accessible. For example E-beam lithography sessions are limited to 4 hours for daytime usage. All long exposures should be started after 18:00. Only 3 advanced bookings are allowed.
The usage policy can be downloaded in pdf format here (pdf 28 kB)