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Quantum Materials

The research within the Quantum Matter group focuses on the fundamental physics of materials that display quantum effects on a macroscopic scale. Examples of such materials are superconductors, magnetic materials, heavy Fermion compounds, metal to insulator transition materials and topological materials.

Our research

The main research activity of the group is presently focused on high temperature superconductivity, Topological materials and related materials as well as development of new spectroscopic tools. During the last few years we have published several articles within this field.

Substantial efforts are also devoted to experimental developments within the area of electron spectroscopy. We are at present developing new techniques for spin resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and soft X-ray angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. We are also currently commissioning an upgrade of BALTAZAR our facility for time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Target values include 10 meV/200 fs energy and time resolution with a photon energy range of 11 to 32 eV.

The image shows ARPES data of from the topological insulator Bi2Se3. Note the helical Dirac Fermions with linear dispersion. Data taken at the I3 beamline of Max III.


Oscar Tjernberg
Oscar Tjernberg Head of Materials Theory +4687904140 Profile
LJUS OCH MATERIENS FYSIK Isafjordsgatan 22 164 40 Kista Sweden