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Research program

We are now in the 21st century, the century of the photon. Photonics, and particularly laser physics and nonlinear optics, are the tools for development of science today and it is a field of high technology with rapid growth. With these technologies we can observe phenomena that previously were invisible to us, and we can get unprecedented precision and accuracy in our observations and measurements.

The applications of lasers and nonlinear optics are carried out in all the divisions involved within the joint laboratory, whereas the research in pure laser physics and nonlinear optics is carried out in the division of Laser Physics (KTH). The combination of pure and applied nonlinear optics in one joint laboratory has proven very effective. We anticipate it will continue to lead to internationally very competitive research, and particularly interesting is the unique possibility we have to develop lasers and nonlinear sources directly to fit a large range of applications for the lab and external partners.

A short summary of the main focus of the proposed research programs is listed here:

  • Novel light sources. Structured ferroelectric crystals will be developed to generate optical pulses to be used in biomedical applications and optoelectronic component testing.
  • Nanostructure materials. The fabrication of artificially structured nonlinear materials will be tailored by nano-scale nucleation and growth dynamics.
  • Dynamics and coherent control of ultra atomic and molecular processes. The development of ultrafast (X-ray) nonlinear spectroscopy and coherent control techniques in the order to obtain a fundamental understanding of the underlying quantum dynamics of atomic and molecular system.
  • Microscopy in biology and surface science. Time-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy will be developed in order to probe surface reactions, and for membrane specific in vivo microscopy of cells.
  • Quantum comunication, and quantum computing. Single photon sources and Multiphoton entangled states will be developed, prepared, characterized in order to be used for quantum communication, quantum cryptography protocols, and quantum computing.