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Lanthanide photon upconversion nanophotonics


Lanthanide photon upconversion refers to an approach converting low-energy infrared photons into higher-energy IR/VIS/UV photons through interionic interactions between lanthanide dopants. This approach circumvents the need of high-intensity short-pulse lasers, and thereby provides unique advantages and opportunities for many applications in diverse areas such as healthcare, information technology, and photodetection, compared to coherent optical nonlinear processes. In this seminar, I will introduce my research in photon upconversion nanoparticles in the aspects of their photophysics, optical response, and applications in optical encoding, super-resolution microscopy and for infrared photodetectors.

Tid: To 2021-10-14 kl 09.15 - 10.00

Plats: FB54

Medverkande: Haichun Liu, researcher, Experimental Biomolecular Physics, Applied Physics Department, KTH

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