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Fluorescence-based ultrasensitive and ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy/microscopy for fundamental biomolecular studies and towards biomedical applications

Tid: To 2023-05-25 kl 09.15

Plats: FA32

Medverkande: Jerker Widengren, Quantum and Biophotonics, KTH

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In this seminar, a brief overview of the research within the Experimental Biomolecular Physics group will be given. Our research focuses on development of fluorescence-based ultrasensitive and ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy/microscopy techniques, their photophysical aspects, and their application for biomolecular and cellular studies and towards diagnostic applications. We are particularly interested in exploiting the photodynamics of emitting species, including both organic fluorophores and nanoparticles, to monitor molecular interactions and microenvironments, in solutions, cells and tissues. We use a combination of single-molecule detection (SMD), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and super-resolution microscopy (SRM) techniques to address fundamental biophysical topics, such as mechanisms for proton exchange at biological membranes, but also more application-oriented biomedical research, where we in collaboration with biomedical collaborators e.g. study the role of platelets in early cancer development and what makes certain bacteria capable to cause disease.