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Prof. Yen-Chieh Huang - National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Lithium Niobate – the Silicon of Laser Photonics

Time: Thu 2014-09-11 09.00 - 10.00

Location: FA 31

Participating: Prof. Yen-Chieh Huang

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Lithium Niobate - the Silicon of Laser Photonics


Lithium niobate is a relatively stable and low-cost material exhibiting several desirable optical properties, including the electro-optic, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, photorefractive, and nonlinear optical effects. For years, lithium niobate has been used extensively in photonics for electronics/optical signal processing and laser wavelength conversion. With the advent of the periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) in 1995, lithium niobate has also played a major role in highly efficient quasi-phase-matched (QPM) nonlinear optics. The fabrication of PPLN is fully compatible with the semiconductor lithographic processing, permitting integration of multiple optical functions on a monolithic lithium-niobate crystal chip. In this talk I will present our work at National Tsinghua University on integrated PPLN wavelength converter, Pockels cell, Bragg cell, amplitude modulator, and laser Q-switch in bulk and waveguide PPLN for compact and efficient laser devices covering a spectrum from the visible to far infrared.