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Dr. Christiano Matos, Grupo de Fotônica, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Post-processed and liquid-filled microstructured optical fibers: novel platforms for sensing, nonlinear optics and photonic device development

Time: Thu 2012-10-25 09.15 - Mon 2014-01-13 16.00

Location: FA32

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For over a decade, microstructured and photonic-crystal optical fibers have been a very active research field. The unique cross-sectional geometry of these fibers, which generally comprises an array of holes that run parallel to the fiber axis, allows for enhanced control over the waveguide characteristics and has enabled a multitude of applications in areas as diverse as frequency metrology, biosensing and telecommunications. The range of potential applications is further widened if post-fabrication processing techniques are used to alter their structure. These can include the insertion of liquids and polymers into selected holes or the modification of the hole array geometry via heating, pulling and the application of differential pressure. In this talk, I will review the recent work undertaken in the field of post-processed and liquid-filled microstructured fibers, with emphasis in the work done at the Mackenzie Photonics Group. Potential applications will also be highlighted and discussed.