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Applied Physics/WACQT seminar: Hybrid Quantum Photonics

Time: Mon 2021-03-29 09.15 - 10.00

Location: ZOOM

Participating: Dr Ali Elshaari

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Abstract: Photons and quantum optical technology have been the main testing grounds for fundamental ideas of quantum science, though implementing quantum optics experiments beyond the single photon level brings about large increases in required resources. Recent development in photonic integrated quantum circuits has radically impacted the way we process quantum information and perform complex experiments. With the advancements of such circuits, we can potentially harness the full potential and unique properties of quantum systems. Monolithic approaches dominate the developed photonic platforms for quantum optical information processing. Despite their high technological advancement, such as silicon quantum photonics, due to decades of industrial development, they come with challenges, either inherent to the way the single photons are generated, or limitations in scaling up the process.

Hybrid quantum photonic integration [1] is an emerging field, where different photonic materials are combined to potentially take advantage of the individual constituent materials and eliminate their drawbacks. We introduce our approach for realizing hybrid quantum photonic circuits, where we combine III-V quantum sources, silicon nitride photonics, piezo-electric crystals, and superconducting materials. We developed a pick and place technique to deterministically integrate on-demand nanowire single photon sources with silicon nitride waveguides [2, 3]. We show that we are able to reconfigure the photonic circuit and control the emission wavelength of a quantum source using strain-tuning [4]. Moreover, we build a full quantum transceiver consisting of a nanowire quantum dot source, a single stage ring resonator filter, and a waveguide-coupled superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD), all on a single chip [5]. Next, we present our recent results toward room temperature quantum integrated photonics, through integration of hexagonal boron nitride quantum emitters in silicon nitride waveguides [6]. Finally, we share our recent results on quantum light detectors. First, we address the challenge of multi-pixel integration of SNSPDs. We employ temporal multiplexing of detectors through dispersion engineering of the superconducting transmission line [7]. Second, we address the challenge of the limited thermal budget for configuring photonic circuits operated with superconducting devices. We realize heat-free routing then detection of single photons, all on-chip, using MEMS technology and SNSPDs [8].


1- Ali W. Elshaari, Wolfram Pernice, Kartik Srinivasan, Oliver Benson, Val Zwiller, "Hybrid integrated quantum photonic circuits" Nature Photonics, vol 14, 285–298 (2020)

2- Ali. W. Elshaari, I. Esmaeil Zadeh, A. Fognini, D. Dalacu, P. J. Poole, M. E. Reimer, V. Zwiller, and K. Jons, “On-chip single photon filtering and multiplexing in hybrid quantum photonic circuits“, Nature Communications vol. 8, 379 (2017)

3- I. Esmaeil Zadeh*, Ali. W. Elshaari*, K. Jons, A. Fognini, D. Dalacu, P. J. Poole, M. E. Reimer, and V. Zwiller , "Deterministic integration of single photon sources in silicon based photonic circuits" ” Nano Letters., vol. 16, pp. 2289–2294, (2016)

4- Ali W. Elshaari , Efe Büyüközer ,Iman Esmaeilzadeh, Thomas Lettner, Peng Zhao, Eva Schöll, Samuel Gyger, Michael E. Reimer, Dan Dalacu, Philip J. Poole, Klaus D. Jöns, Val Zwiller "Strain-tunable quantum integrated photonics", Nano Letters , vol 18(12) , 7969–7976 (2018)

5- R. Gourgues., I. EsmaeilZadeh, Ali W> Elshaari, G. Bulgarini, W. N. Los, J. Zichi, D. P. J. Dalacu, Poole, S. N. Dorenbos, V. Zwiller "Controlled integration of selected detectors and emitters in photonic integrated circuits", Optics Express, vol 27(3) , 3710-3716, (2019)

6- Ali W. Elshaari, Anas Skalli, Samuel Gyger, Martin Nurizzo, Lucas Schweickert, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, Mikael Svedendahl, Stephan Steinhauer, Val Zwiller "Deterministic integration of hBN emitter in silicon nitride photonic waveguide" (Submitted) (2021)

7- Ali W. Elshaari, Adrian Iovan, Samuel Gyger, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, Julien Zichi, Lily Yang, Stephan Steinhauer, and Val Zwiller, "Dispersion engineering of superconducting single-photon detectors for multi-pixel integration" APL Photonics, 5, 111301 (2020) (Featured article)

8- Samuel Gyger, Julien Zichi, Lucas Schweickert, Ali W Elshaari, Stephan Steinhauer, Saimon F Covre da Silva, Armando Rastelli, Val Zwiller, Klaus D Jöns, Carlos Errando-Herranz, "Reconfigurable quantum photonics with on-chip detectors" Nature Communications 1408, 12 (2021)