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Code of Conduct for employees and fellow workers

At KTH we work for a better future by improving society and identifying smart solutions to current and future challenges. We are at the service of humanity for the society of tomorrow.

Code of Conduct for employees and fellow workers

The KTH value platform is based on equal opportunities and takes a stand against all forms of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and degrading treatment. This is a quality issue.

HR Policy and Value Platform

This Code of Conduct complements existing legislation, agreements, regulations, internal rules and guidelines. It is based on the HR Policy with guidelines established by the KTH Board on 1 Jan 2015. The Code is a guide and a tool in day -to-day, ongoing operations at KTH.

Its purpose is to create a good working environment and to clarify employees' responsibilities and what is expected of every employee and fellow worker.

Being a KTH employee and fellow worker must be based on KTH basic values, which in turn are based on the joint value platform for all government employees. Well-developed teamwork, leadership and management are prerequisites for well-functioning operations.